Unable to Scrap search results on google maps

Hi guys, I’m trying to set up an automation to simply capture the text of each card from a search result

I’m using the version of Studio 2023.12.0 and selecting the element with the relative anchor, but the variable is presented with null

Can you give me some guidance on how to solve this problem?

Hi @Rafael_Souza

can you try using the For Each UI Element Activity? and inside that use a get text activity passing the current Element variable into the input element property


Hi @Rafael_Souza
Instead of trying to extract each result, use the table extraction option, this will allow you to extract all the search results in a data table.

Hi, when using the data extractor, UiPath only brings each hyperlink.
I need to get the inner text of each element, but it’s not working, it seems like some problem with Google itself

Hi @Rafael_Souza

You can use the For each UI element to capture the list of elements that you are going to extract the details in maps. Inside for each Ui element activity insert the Get attribute activity and select the attribute which has the respected value. After that use an assign activity to save the text in a String Variable.

Check the below workflow for better understanding,

Output -

Hope it helps!!

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