Unable to reset values from Uipath grid using forms

Hi Everyone,

I am using UiPath forms and using grid in it as well . The requirement is to click on the reset button and it should delete all the data from the forms. I have implemented that by passing “” to the used variables .

But I am not able to reset the values from grid .

Could any one please advise me as this is very urgent !


Try this with modern activities it will work & use some delay based on application works/responds


Hi , Thanks for responding .

Can you be please more specific where to use modern activities ?


Need to select the Modern activities in filtering the options then use click activities inside the use application/Browser activities it will work


If you’re using grid then you might be passing a data table when initially passing the data correct?

If yes, then send a empty table when reset button is clicked having same structured as initial one.

Hope this helps.

Hi Parth,

Thanks for responding !! That’s correct I have used a data table.

I am clearing the existing data table using clear data table activity after clicking on reset button.

Hope its the same what you have suggested. If not please clarify that would be very helpful

Yes that’s the way. It should solve the issue.


Yes , but unfortunately its not clearing the value from the grid .

Do you mind sending the workflow?

Yes Sure… @Parth_Doshi