Unable to publish a BOT

Installer(.exe or .msi): MSI

License type(Free, Trial/License code):License

Studio/Robot version: 2018.4

Current behavior:


Hello Everyone,

I tried to publish project to Orchestrator which is hosted in local server but I received the below error kindly suggest us.

“An error occured while sending the request”


Sankar N

I’m not sure I’m following what you’re asking, error is vague. Are you trying to install the Robot, or are you trying to publish a project using command line?

But, in any case, a robot has to be installed onto the machine you’re trying publish (not from the Studio IDE) a project from, as it calls “uirobot.exe”.

If installing a robot using the MSI file, you’ll need to call from “msiexec.exe” from your system32 folder (use /l*vx C:\Temp\robotInstallLog.txt to create a log file for the installation). Example as seen below via PowerShell:

.\msiexec.exe /i "C:\Temp\UIPathStudio.msi" ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,RegisterService,StartupLauncher,ChromeExtension APPLICATIONFOLDER="[desired folder path]\UiPath\Studio" /l*vx C:\Temp\robotInstallLog.txt /Q

Use the following for building your project (in PowerShell):

.\UiRobot.exe -pack "[Project Path]\project.json" -o "[Output Path in Orchestrator or Artifact Repo]"