Unable to open UiPath sample XAML files

I am constantly receiving errors when trying to open sample XAML file provided by UiPath.

Please see Error logs attached as well as sample XAML file being opened. Any ideas why?
Session 2 - exercise 1 - simple flowchart control.zip (6.5 KB)

Thanks for the help and regards

hey @mingerz

you are using uipath version 2017.1.6309.33850 and it is working fine for me in latest version 2016.2.6274.

and you have updated all packages ? as well.


Yes I have updated all packages. I keep on getting the error. Any ideas?

Update studio version …

I am getting same error mingerz. Did you find any solution?

My version is: 2017.1.6407

Hi mingerz,

These XAML files are not for opening in the browser to see them. It is sample XML files to open in UiPath application for practice.

  1. Click on the Download button below and save the archive on your local machine
  2. Extract the files
  3. Open UiPath Studio
  4. From the Start tab, click Open
  5. Browse for the extracted files
  6. Click on the xaml file
  7. From the Design tab, hit Run

Let us know, is this problem resolved after following above path.
