Unable to offline install UiPath.PDF.Activities.3.19.1

I have to offline install UiPath.PDF.Activities.3.19.1 ,
and downloaded UiPath.PDF.Activities.3.19.1.nupkg from https://marketplace.uipath.com ,
but missed some dependencies packages like UiPath.documentunderstanding.digitizer
with version (>= 4.2.2), UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts with version (>= 1.26.0)
when installing it .

Then I can not find the the missed dependencies packages on https://marketplace.uipath.com .
Where to download the missed dependencies packages ?


it’s necessary to get them from UiPath official feed as the following.



Thanks for your reply .

The difficult situatio is that I have to install it out of internet connection,
therefore I need to obtain the dependencies packages nd place them on local device .a


If you have any other machine then you can install on them …and then go to


And then you would get the downloaded package folders…which you can copy to your target system to same location



Do you have Nuget Package Explorer? We can download nuget package from the feed using it, as the following.

Or if you can use another UiPath Studio which can connect with internet, the following step may help you.

  1. Install PDF package into the Studio
  2. Copy all the files and folders under c:\users\[accountName]\.nuget\packages to same place in non-internet connected Studio machine.


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I know the second way to solve the problem.
And I am reminded the Nuget Package Explorer.

Thanks for your kindly advise.

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