Unable to maximize Windows from Orchestrator


I’m trying to open a web url via Orchestrator on a remote machine and then maximizing the windows so that it should perform the click on a section which gets exposed when the screen gets maximized. This solution works perfectly fine when I trigger the bot from the tray however it doesn’t work when its spawned from Orchestrator.

The screen never gets maximized, no errors are thrown and my solution fails due to absence of selectors. I tried multiple things

  1. using Simulate click/Send Windows message
  2. Changing the Robot setting to Login to1280/960/32
    console → Yes
    3)Changing Width/Height/Depth to 1280/960/32
    4)Changing the Uipath.settings file on machine (hosting robot) with this dimensions and followed by rebooting the machine
    5)Using maximize Window & Hotkey Win + Up
    … but nothing has worked. When I logon to the machine hosting robot, I see that only a small window (around 1/8 th of screen) of site is opened and screen never gets maximized.

Any help is highly appreciated.


Hi @amit11khare

Based on the screen resolution you are able to manually do maximize window


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Hi Ashwin, I already tried all above 5 options, its not working

Hi @amit11khare

First do everything in the robot like setting the resolution of the screen and then use maximize window activity within attach browser activity and then publish the workflow


I already tried all these options. pls refer my problem statement

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