I am unable to login into ACME System 3 Desktop Application. I am using same credentials which i have used to log into System1 web application for https://acme-test.uipath.com/ which is woking fine.
It will work with the acme credentials… Can you give a try again @zoyebmansuri
@zoyebmansuri Try using email you registered for AcmeSystem1 instead of username. It worked for me
Trying with same credentials as Acme System1 but its failed to login everytime in desktop and i tried same credentials in web app which is working fine. @HareeshMR
Please try to download a fresh version of Desktop app.
Login to your Acme System 1 web app and press click here download link on this page:
@DjordjeZ I followed the same steps but no luck. Unable to login even in different system.
@Pablito will help you with the issue @zoyebmansuri.
@Pablito, Could you please have a look at the issue
Sure. Let me check what I can do
He is able to login to the web acme site but not able to login to desktop application :
I tried at my home machine as well…Still no luck. getting same error again on desktop app. Working fine with web app.Can you please help me. @Pablito
I have reset password of acme application in web app and now desktop app is working with new updated password.
Thanks everyone @HareeshMR @DjordjeZ @Pablito
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