Unable to invoke soap web service using SoapRequest activity using UiPath V2016.1.5999

I am trying to invoke Soap service whose wsdl meta data is not exposed. So I have wsdl, referenced xsd’s on my pc. When I test the same service using SoapUI I can invoke it sucecssfully but when I try it using SoapRequest activities Soap request Wizard, I get “Service description is not valid” error when i click on Get button after browsing to the wsdl from my pc.

Note" The wsdl is referencing the xsd stored in different directory location.
e.g.<xsd:import namespace=“http://abc.com/test/testService/cm/xsd/v1_0” schemaLocation=“…/…/ServiceDefinitionFiles/Shared/CommonTypes_1_0.xsd”/>

The CommonTypes_1_0.xsd do exist in ServiceDefinitionFiles/Shared/ folder which is two level up where the wsdl is stored.

Please guide me what am I missing.

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I don’t think you are missing anything because this is definitely not correct behaviour. If you do not have a public WSDL there is no means to enter the credentials for access to it. If you compare this to SoapUI, it recognises that the WSDL is not exposed and invites entry of access credentials.

UiPath offers simple authentication but only on the method invocation - this can’t take place if you can’t select a method.

In my opinion a ticket should be raised so that the ‘get’ button uses the authentication set for the invocation below.

Hi Guys Were you able to solve this issue?We are also facing the similar issue at this moment

Hi guys,
Were you able to fix this? I’m facing the same issue.

Hello Dilii,
In this video, I use HTTP Request to call any SOAP API. I use these steps in case of special WSLD that are not compatible with SOAP request Wizards, also not compatible with new service from the library.

0:54 SoapUI application used to test SOAP API
3:05 Test commands from SoapUI
4:30 How can we test SOAP API from Postman
5:50 In UiPath Studio you need to install Web.Activities
7:30 SOAP Request activity
9:30 Create a New Service inside of Library
11:10 RAW approach to SOAP API command
13:30 How we build a simple XML
15:00 Run the process that builds XML to see the result
15:20 Create a complex XML
16:30 Step by Step XML creation
20:10 Main element creation that also includes attributes
23:00 Test the complex XML creation
23:50 Deserialize XML
25:15 How to extract Data from XML Nodes
27:40 How to extract Data from XML Attributes

Cristian Negulescu

Thank you @Cristian_Negulescu for the response. I followed the entire video. But the HTTP Response activity gives a timeout error.

Hello @dilii
If the command work in Postman should work also in UIPath Studio with HTTP Request. Be careful the URL from Postman and Studio ends on SOAP not WSDL. So please redo the test SoapUI and Postman and after everything is working well (you see the response) then you will move to UiPath Studio (be careful to Select XML format in all properties in UiPath Studio)

Cristian Negulescu

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