Unable to install BalaReva.Excel.Activities package


Is your project in windows compatibility?

If yea then the package is still not migrated it is still in windoes legacy compatibility only…create a project with windows-legacy and then you shpuld eb able to install…

But you might see issues…as its build on .net 4.x and current are .net5+


The problem is we migrating all our project to Windows, perhaps is there an activity that can do the same as BalaReva package?


Now even latest excel has almost all activities that are there in it…are you looking for any specific activity?


Hello @Nosipho_Ndlovu ,
If you are using Windows, Unfortunately, you can’t use the Balarava activity. it is only compatibility for Windows Legacy.

If you’re trying to change the type of a cell to Text, you can use the Format Cells activity part of the Excel package and select the Data Type Tab:


You can specify as the source the cell or a range.

Hey @Nosipho_Ndlovu ,

Let us know if there is anything else we can help with here.


Hi in which Version is your Excel?

I’ve taken a more recent version but the activity should be available on older packages. What version of Excel are you using?

It 2.11.3 I cannot downgrade it

im sorted now

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