Unable to input text in notepad


I have downloaded the Community Edition 2024.2.1 version. I am trying to type some text in the notepad. However, after just a few seconds, the text box greys out and does not allow me to type anymore. Below are the steps performed by me:

  1. Click on web/app recorder while I have notepad already open
  2. Click on the blank area in the notepad which opens the dialog box to type in text

  1. After about 1-2 seconds, I am not able to type the text in the dialog box. I am not able to click anywhere either.

Hi @Aadish_Meghani

Instead of using the Ui activities for that, use the write text file activity to write the input text to the Notepad file.
→ In the Text field pass the Variable which contains the Input text.
→ In the write to file name field give the path of the text file where you want to write the data.

Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

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Please find attached xaml file for your reference.

input text to notepad forum.zip (2.7 KB)

If this works for you, please mark this as a solution, so others can refer the same… :slight_smile:

Hi Mahesh,

Thanks for the prompt response. However, I was following a video tutorial about this which also showed how to format the text typed in the notepad. I wanted to know why the app recorder way is not working to add text to notepad

Okay, It will works, instead of web recorder use the activities… @Aadish_Meghani

Use the Use application\browser activity and indicate the Notepad file.
Then insert type into activity and indicate the text field in file. Pass the String variable as input.

Hope you understand!!

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@mkankatala - Whenever I am trying to Record and type anything in the notepad then I am not able to write anything. There is no window/popup coming where I can Input anything. ‘Write Text File’ popup does not appears for me. Any help will be appreciable.

HI @Vishal_Vishwakarma, You can observe the “Type Value or…” input box as shared in your snip. If it not working just press enter as highlighted part below, and after recording completed go and edit value in studio. Hope this works!