Unable to get process Schedules/Triggers via API in Postman

Hello All,

I am trying to retrieve the complete list of Triggers/ProcessSchedules available inside a Folder via Postman.
I have successfully added the Postman to the OAuth apps via External Application.

Based on the documentation available here: Orchestrator - Permissions Per Endpoint (uipath.com)

I figured out that I need to enable ‘Schedules.View’ inside Application Scope of the Postman Application. However, from what I can see this is not available there.

I have also adjusted the roles of this Oath Apps via Manage Roles on both Tenant and Folder but the list of available figures inside Application Scope remains unchanged

I am using the following Enpoint inside Postman:


and I am getting the following error message:
“message”: “You are not authorized!”

However, I can get fx. all the Assets inside then folder if adjust the Endpoint as I know that for this operation I have OR.Assets.Read enabled.

Does anyone know what I am missing to make this work?


better check oauth scope in swagger for correct details

This image shows a GET request for "/odata/JobTriggers" with highlighted text indicating OAuth required scopes "OR.Jobs or OR.Jobs.Read" and required permissions "Jobs.View". (Captioned by AI)

The image shows the GET request endpoint details for "/odata/ProcessSchedules" including required OAuth scopes ("OR.Jobs" or "OR.Jobs.Read") and permissions ("Schedules.View"), with some text highlighted in yellow. (Captioned by AI)

Now coming to error in postman were you able to successfully get the bearer token? if yes then scope should fix


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