Unable to Filter particular Row as The Read Range Ouput doesnot shows all Rows


in UiPath with latest vesion and packages i am using Workbook read range activity and the excel file contains 679 records but output shows 58 records where count shows 679 records what is the reason? and i need all 679 records to be shown in output?i need to filter the 78 th row from the read range output variable but it is showing result 0 rows?




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On output you mean if it is log message there there is a limitation so it would not display all even if you print or log…as there character limit is reached

If count is proper all the data should be present



Welcome to the community

On output, you mean log message, then there is a limitation so it would not display all even if you print or log…as there character limit is reached


Welcome @Sankar_Siva to the UiPath Community Forum!

Print your datatable after the filter to desktop file as a “Temp.xlsx” using a “Write Range” activity then validate.

Bookmark this post - plenty of helpful tips.

Hopefully this helps.



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