Unable to download test results from test set, was working fine a month back

Go to test results in Orch
select your testset and click on it
now click the download button.
you get this may take a while to download and then it fails with correctionID, sends you an email
Excel export failed

Excel export of test01 - 20240905.1546 Test Execution failed. Please try again or contact support if the issue persists.
CorrelationId: 89c4c085-5100-0000-0696-0b47417ecdcc

Clear browser cache, and try once again.

we don’t cache the browsers but looked into it anyway. This feature works a tree above just doesn’t work at testset level where are the test cases reside.
so if I go up one level, Orchestrator displays all the testset runs and if I download that, it works. When I dig into testset and download the test cases stats, it failed :frowning: