Unable to connect to D365

I have tried using both D365 connection activities, one will connect and allow me to insert records etc. but that package type (Microsoft Dynamics 4.0) does not have a “search records” type, so I am trying the alternate D365 connection but no matter what endpoint I use I get this error (Cannot be null) even though the fields are populated (see below)

My azure ids are setup correctly, I meticulously followed the instructions.

Hi Nathan,

In my case, I used the package named UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities where you can do the connection more efficiently and dynamically.
Because you can type the Application ID and Tenant ID of Azure at the Microsoft Office 365 Scope .
Finally, you can use get credential to connect it.



Office activities do not connect to the Dynamocs365 CRM tables, I must use the dynamics activities