Unable to click down arrow icon in drop down


I have a drop down element. Find the attached screenshot.
I need to click down arrow icon and ellipses icon attached to the element. But through indicate element function, whole drop down is getting selected (including field, down arrow & ellipses). I need to click down arrow and ellipses individually. Unable to select those icons via Indicate element.

Hi @Praveen_Somayaji

Have you tried Click Relative ?? this will work if you have to perform any action wrt to another reference activity.


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no. I have not tried it. Could you help me how to use it? i am new to UiPath.

Hi @Praveen_Somayaji
If indicate element is not workin then take informative screen shot and modify the selector
and try it.


Hi @Praveen_Somayaji

please follow below steps.

  1. click on Recording and select any recording that match to your application.
  2. Now Recording window will appear. click on Element and click on Mouse and
    select Click Relative option.
  3. Now you perform click on drop down first. after click a new window appear with Set mouse position or indicate a point on screen.
  4. click on indicate a point and select on arrow region and save the workflow.

Hope this solve your problem.


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@Vijay_Kumar_C no… even this solution did not work…
I even tried click image activity. But no luck…

I used “CV Click” activity to click the arrow icon and the ellipses. It worked completely fine.

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