Unable to click click image after vpn disconnects


we are scheduling our automations using task scheduler.
we recently faced isssue of not able to run automation after rdp diconnects.
we tried most of the solutions available on net.
for click activity and type into it ss working ow if we click on simulate click on for click activity and simulate click +activate on for type into activity.
for click image it is not working when we diconnects from rdp and this issue we are facing we are getting “timeout reached” error
can you help us with solution if any

I think Complete dependency is on RDP Connection must be there for automation.

Try to Put the log message before RDP connection.

we are checking with execption.message it is showing as :timeout reached"


Unattended automation using Task Scheduler : Scheduling the automations in unattended using Task Scheduler will not give proper output. That is why UiPath Orchestrator comes in place which acts like a centralized server. If you want to schedule and run the automations in unattended (runs though you log out from server) you better purchase Orchestrator license

If not then you have to run the process using UiPath Assistant. For this you should login to the server

Is it possible to run using uipath assistant without orchjestrator?
need to login to server - can you explain a bit


Yes. If RDP connection dropped then Image activities will be failed. Send Hot keys instead of Image automation if possible.

If both the application and UiPath Robot in the same machine and you are using Attended Bot then you can trigger the process from UiPath Assistant or even you can schedule the process also from Assistant.

to schedule from assistant we need orchestrator connectivity?


It’s not required. Have a look below thread to schedule the process from UiPath Assistant.

u said like to publish so my question is 1]we normally publish our process to orchestratir only right?so where to publish exactly?
2]i have 2021.4.4 version and now robot is changed to assistant and not able to see those options
check ss

guide me on same

You can publish it from studio itself @Mathkar_kunal

Please select the right folder from the right bottom in the studio while publishing.

Check this official documentation of UiPath.


If you are not using Orchestrator then it will be published into local system folder.


Have a look below thread.

i pusblished to my folder .

now how can i select this using uipath assistatnt to run?
not showing processin assistant after refesh


Is UiPath Assistant and published project folder in same machine ?

yes in same machin .now i understood .it showing in assistant after published as assistant.

tested also but still same issue.
for click image , lese normal click working with simulated click enabled


Did you disconnect the RDP or lock the machine while process running ?

i disconnected RDP


May I know why you are disconnecting RDP ?

Just minimize the RDP machine post Bot triggered the UiPath Assistant.

if i am closeing my laptop anyow my vpn will get diconnected automatically so rdp also will disconnect automatically.
so testing like same as we have some automation to run at night time too.
so we cant always just lock or mininimize.

We had same problem as you with rdp and disconnection.

Can i ask, what kind of license are you running?
Is it attend robot or unattended robot?

attended named user licese we have.
we schedule through task manager but getting that issue so exploring other options too