Unable to click check box whiile data scrapping

hello friends,

my aim to search the material from the table and click the check box .
i am doing data scrapping which have multiple pages

when i run the bot it is moving to all the pages of the table but unable to click the checkbox or select the material.

after going through all the pages of the table my next condition to check box is executing

Hi @Mohsin_Ali_Mohammed ,
You can check selector, edit default delay

Hello @Mohsin_Ali_Mohammed, try doing some of these steps and check if it works:

  1. Check Selector Validity: Ensure that the selector you’re using to identify and click the checkbox is still valid on the last page. Sometimes, table structures or element identifiers can change as you navigate through pages. Use UiExplorer or the Selector Editor to validate the selector.
  2. Wait for Element: If the bot is trying to click the checkbox before the element is fully loaded, it might cause issues. Use the “Element Exists” or “Wait Element Vanish” activity to ensure that the checkbox element is present before trying to interact with it.
  3. Adjust Timing: If the website or application is loading content dynamically, you might need to adjust timing settings for activities. Use the “Delay” activity before clicking the checkbox to give the page enough time to load fully.
  4. Check for Errors: Review the output panel or logs to see if there are any error messages related to clicking the checkbox. This might provide more information about why the interaction is failing.
  5. Check Focus: Some websites require an element to be in focus before it can be clicked. Use the “Click” activity’s “ClickType” property and experiment with different options like “SimulateClick” or “SendWindowMessages” to see if they make a difference.
  6. Check Page Layout: On the last page, the layout or structure of the table might be different, causing the selector to fail. Ensure that the table structure is consistent across all pages.
  7. Highlight Element: Use the “Highlight” activity to visually verify that the bot is correctly identifying the checkbox element.
  8. Use Retry Scope: Wrap the checkbox clicking activity in a “Retry Scope” activity. This can help with transient issues where the element is not immediately clickable.
  9. Debugging Mode: Run the workflow in debugging mode and step through the activities to see where it fails and why. This can help pinpoint the exact issue.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

thanks a lot …

the issue is bot iterating all the pages.
lets say i need to select the material in 2nd page or 3rd page… where i need to write the condition?
see the below image… even i put message box. it is displaying after bot iteration completed all the pages

Hi, You can check this video UiPath Tutorial 26 - Automate Web Data Extraction | Data Scraping | Extract Structured Data | Part 1 - YouTube

I saw the video it was just scrapping and writing to excel sheet.

my requirement is while iterating from page to page of table i need to do some activity on the row…

Can you share your website need get data?
I think need dynamic variable to get page by page

if I pass dynamic variable page by page and select the material . the process will be very slow
which I done earlier…

why we cant do without passing variable?

Hi @Mohsin_Ali_Mohammed ,
To get accurate with many pages I think using variables is the best and most stable

u mean we need to pass page number in variable and store that page data in datatable and work it. again next go to another page and do same way???