Unable to cast object of type 'System.Double' to type 'System.String'

@Palaniyappan same error bro

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ok no worries
lets try with filter datatable activity
where pass the input as DT1 and get the output with another new datatable
and mention the column name as “employee_id” and condition as <> and value as “value”
–we can choose whether to remove or keep the records on this filteration in the filter wizard

this will also give us the same but with different datatable variable

kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification

Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet

Can you try: result = DT1.Select("[employee_id] NOT in (value) ").CopyToDataTable
Maybe the variable value is not properly recognized, in case of it is producing an error again. But we can rewrite the statement

@Palaniyappan hi bro can you explain me when check keep and when to remove check box

Kindly elaborate a bit more on this buddy
Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet

in filter datatable activity,what is the functionality of keep and remove checkboxes

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based on the condition that we have mentioned, if we want to keep only those records that matches that condition then we can take KEEP checkbox
if we want to remove the records that matches the condition and have other records then we can choose REMOVE check box
Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet

did that work
do we have any query to be discussed, if so kindly let know
Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet

@Palaniyappan bro filter datatable activity not worked because ouput datatable return all the values including the value given in the condition

@Palaniyappan can you help me on this

@Palaniyappan if we use the select method it will recover I think

can i have on the value part of that assign in property panel with a screenshot
i would like to see the value as a screenshot from property value with that select method
–the reason why its getting failed with value is, “value” is a keyword so we need to look on to it as well
thats why suggested filter datatable, and that should work for sure
Cheers @Tamilarasanaccet

@Palaniyappan please find the image bro

You can the below code its working fine for me.
In Assign Activity

myDataTable = outDt.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(i) i.Field(Of Object)(“Customer”)).Select(Function(g) g.First).CopyToDataTable

Let me know if this works for you :slight_smile:

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