I have a data table and am assigning each row to a variable and uploading to a queue - the issue I am having is that each row is being added as a separate transaction item.
you can try with ADD TRANSACTION ITEM activity and pass those details as TRANSACTION INFORMATION as arguments
have a view on this doc to understand on how to do this
Cheers @E.T.S
Hi @E.T.S ,
Do you want to Add the Whole Datatable as a Single Transaction Item ?
If so, you would need to Serialize the Datatable to Json String and then Deserialize back to Datatable when it is retrieved.
strDT = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(YourDT)
YourDT = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Datatabe)(strDT)
try with Bulk add queue items activity
as your input is a datatable