Unable to active Community edition of UI Path on AWS

Installer(.exe or .msi): exe

License type(Free, Trial/License code): Free

Studio/Robot version: Studio

Current behavior: The licensing software is not able to register the device, it says device already registered


This is the error message.

Activation failed with error: 0
Error description: No Error
License status: Device ID already activated, trial not allowed after code activation

Device ID: Yd32iNYQt6czq9mo3veZ
User Name: Administrator

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Hello there ,
You cannot go back to Community Edition after activating a license key on a machine. It contravenes with CE terms and conditions . After you have once activated a device with a license code in the past you cannot use the free edition on the same device. After code activation, the device ID remains registered in the system and it does not allow you to go back and activate CE.
In special situations where the above should be approved (going to Community after using a trial or license key) you will need to reach out to support and give details on your request and also provide the device ID of the machine. If the request is approved, support will release the device ID from the system and it will be possible to activate CE.

I am having the same issue and have posted it here: Unable to Install UIPath Studio on AWS

The issue is AWS because I have been able to install UIPath on Azure.
Anoopghalgeri’s Device ID is even the same as mine which does not make sense.

Is there anything that can be done to fix this issue?

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Ok so it’s installed in azure .So device is is already activated for the machine hence yours unable to install on AWS .
You need to contact uipath support team and raise the ticket .

Thank you for the quick reply ddpadil.
Could you direct me towards who I need to speak to?

I have already created a support ticket here: https://uipath.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/84494

as well as on this forum here: Unable to Install UIPath Studio on AWS

I was told by a support representative that I was ineligible for support because this issue pertains to the community edition of the software.

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yes its for enterprise users only. :frowning:
If i recall correctly there is one simlilar topic related to this issue.
Please check this post and let me know does it help!

This thread is funny. So basically what UI Path is saying that AWS is support but you are not support because you are on community version. Unfotunately, I’ve been going round and round with the support and on community with this issue without any resolution for days now. Has anybody been able to make UI Path community edition work on AWS?
