Unable to activate community edition after reinstall

Hi, i was trying to reinstall the CE version and was unable to activate, need help.


Activation failed with error: 0
Error description: No Error
License status: Server License Expired

Device ID: 4tUTYyMKVcrWHNVa3Gvy
Computer: DESKTOP-7E4QH5L
User Name: Kian


Welcome to the Uipath community.

For community version, we have to activate online only and need Internet connection.

And also check are you behind any Firewall ?

Hey its ok, it works now after renewing CE version on the web portal.

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Would like to check, my company laptops have no internet access. Intranet machines that can access corporate applications cannot go to internet.

How do i perform an offline activation for CE?

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Buddy @Kian_Lee

Welcome to UiPath Community buddy

Kindly check with this buddy,

Try this and let know buddy


We can’t activate it in offline for CE. Please check below thread.

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@Kian_Lee I see you don’t have the latest CE, version 2019.5. Please get it from here: UiPath, install it and let us know if you can license it free.