Unable to Access Studio in Free Version

When installing the latest version of the Free/Community edition, there isn’t a Change Profile option to switch between Studio and StudioX via Settings>License and Profile>Change Profile. How would someone switch from StudioX to Studio in this case?

Hi @Cox_Cameron_M_TS_CI3129_I

Check below thread



Assign Automation Developer - Named user license to your user id from orchestrator and then try to login to studio.

It’s license issue.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:


  1. First check if your license is free or community . Admin-> licenses
  2. If free then you need to either delete organization and recreate or use a different id and create a seprate community account
  3. If community then please assign role and license to the users . Orchestrtor → tenant-> manage access


Like I said in the title, it’s the Free version. So basically there is no way to access Studio in the Free version? You have to download the community edition?

Automation Developer license doesn’t exist in the Free version, only automation express license


It should be there. Check admin → Organisation → License

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes in free version you have only studiox and studio would be available only from community version or above
