uiRobot.exe is not avaliable in the instalation folder of uipath, anyone of you know how resolve this problem ?
Hi ,
Are you able to run any workflow ?
yes i can run workflows and run directly on uipath studio CE, but i can´t deploy on uirobot
Isn’t uiRobot not visible in the system tray ?
no, the instalator provides in the forum dont let me choose instalation folder or components, its like a portable i dont know why is installed in C:\Users\luvelez\AppData\Local\UiPath
CE installation located in appdata folder .
For studio:C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\UiRobot.exe
ForCE : C:\Users\AppData\Local\UiPath\app*\UiRobot.exe
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thanks so much
Thank you guys, i got the same problem, UIRobot is not visible in the system tray, i have searched the forum and got the solution. thanks for the info.
Thanks a lot for showing us secret location where robots resides
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