UIRobot: Local Package fails to run the first time - Error connecting to Orchestrator

I have a package that runs from a local file location, the first time it runs, it fails connecting to Orchestrator.
The second time it runs, it runs.

Is there any way to either get it to login to Orchestrator and not fail or not try to connect to Orchestrator and not fail?

My current work-around is to run it twice in a batch job, the problem is that sometimes it works on the first run. That means it runs twice.

Thank you in advance for any input.

Hi @tandaya,

Could you please provide some more details like from where are you trying to run your process(studio, assistant, orchestrator)?


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Command line process, local package: C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-21.4.4\UiRobot.exe execute --file “C:\Users\Dev\DevCo\DevDiv\Automation\Package\DevPackage.1.0.4.nupkg”

It’s all local.

Hi @tandaya,

Have you tried running it from assistant instead?


I was trying to run it from Task Scheduler but gave up since it fails when the screen is locked.

Hi @tandaya,

I meant uipath assistant shown below. Is there a specific reason behind running it from command line?


Inexperience; I’ll look at this.

Thank you.

Hi @tandaya,

No problem.

Let me know if any further questions :slight_smile:
