We are hosting an OnPrem Orch in a private Cloud.
We have recently upgraded Orch to 2021.10.4
We are using CI/CD to test, build and publish packages.
We are using the marketplace Add-in: UiPath Integration - Visual Studio Marketplace
Azure DevOps is using Basic Auth in the Service Connection
Our Task looks like this:
- task: UiPathDeploy@2
orchestratorConnection: OrchConnection
packagesPath: ‘$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Input’
folderName: ${{ parameters.OrchFolder }}
entryPoints: ${{ parameters.entryPoints }}
environments: ${{ parameters.DevEnvironments }}
traceLevel: ‘Verbose’
The task #fails with:
Folder FeedId not supported with the current API version (13.0)
Task : UiPath Deploy
Description : Deploys a UiPath NuGet package onto UiPath Orchestrator.
Version : 2.9.2547798
Author : UiPath
Help :
Found tool in cache: uipcli 1.0.8136-25036 x64
C:\agent\_work\_tool\uipcli\1.0.8136-25036\x64\uipcli.exe run C:\agent\_work\_tasks\UiPathDeploy_72167370-9f1d-47d5-be00-6f2554c20001\2.9.2547798\DeployOptions.json
Deploying package <our_package> to tenant *** on https://<our_host>/...
Folder FeedId not supported with the current API version (13.0).
If we remove the “environments” parameter in the task, the upload works, but instead the package remains inactive (expected).
We need to get back to a state where the latest upload version is made active.
The check-box for “Activate Classic Folder” is enabled.
Tenant / Settings
Classic Folders (deprecated) => Activate Classic Folders