UIPath Task Capture failing to go into capture mode

We are trying to use UIPath Task Capture version 2021.10 (also 2022.04) and the task capture wizard is coming up in capture mode but not for everyone.

(we select these buttons: New Document, Capture Process and the ‘Start Capture’ button/wizard appears in the upper right corner to allow clicking for capturing to begin.)

The people that cannot get the capture wizard to start have errors in their task capture log file as follows:

[WARN][22-07-25 10:22:53.349][22.4.0]: pipe isn’t exists
[ERROR][22-07-25 10:22:53.350][22.4.0]: CAPTURING => multi-capture start failed
[INFO][22-07-25 10:22:53.350][22.4.0]: MULTI-CAPTURE:STOP HOOK
[INFO][22-07-25 10:22:53.364][22.4.0]: window closed successfully
[INFO][22-07-25 10:22:53.365][22.4.0]: changeStatus: newStatus===none
[INFO][22-07-25 10:22:53.365][22.4.0]: CAPTURING => multi-capture => stopped event handler => send IPC stopped event
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:29.059][22.4.0]: CAPTURING HOOK:START CAPTURING EVENT
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:30.255][22.4.0]: pipe name generated:
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:30.255][22.4.0]: spawn bootstraper…
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:30.260][22.4.0]: check when exists
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:30.261][22.4.0]: PipeConnectTimeout:
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:30.261][22.4.0]: checkPeriod:
[100," remaining: ",6000]
[INFO][22-07-25 10:23:30.374][22.4.0]: checkPeriod:

Was there ever a resolution to this? One of my users is experiencing the same thing today.

I currently have a call open with UI Path support (01956595) for this, technician’s name is Norbert. There is a built in 8 second time out hard coded into Task Capture. We were told that we were the only ones who had this problem…

In the next version of task capture the time out will be configurable, via a JSON file, I am currently awaiting a link to download a pre-release version to test if that resolves the issue.

New version of Task Capture is live with the setting, although only the .exe version seems to work right now, I can’t get the .msi version to work correctly (although there I’m using release candidate 2 so the issue could have been fixed before final release).

  • Download and install the current release (22.4.5).
  • Run Task Capture an attempt to start a capture, the time out has been increased from 8 seconds to 15 so it may work.
  • If you still have problems open the settings file ( %appdata%/Task Capture/Settings , copy the text from the first % to the last s of settings and paste it into the address bar of Windows Explorer), the file has no extension but is JSON format so choose Notepad or your favourite text editor to open it.
  • Use the find function of your text editor to find the string recorderStartTimeoutInSeconds which will have a default value of 15. Note that the JSON is not formatted to be easily human readable so you will see a big blob of dense text.
  • Increase the value from 15 to something higher (I’d suggest doubling).
  • Try Task Capture again, remembering to give it at least as many seconds as you entered for the timeout.
  • If you still have problems edit the file again and try a larger value.
  • Repeat until either it works or the timeout gets ridiculous.
  • Save the Settings file and try Task Capture again.

Problem has reoccurred on a users machine after having Task Capture 22.4.4 installed but the key recorderStartTimeoutInSeconds isn’t in their settings file. Anyone experienced this problem recently?