Uipath robot showing offline

Hi team,
how to make uipath robot connected. i am unable to make it connected. it i showing offline
please find the screenshot for your refrence.

Hi @RaviTejaKuna,
Please have a look here:

There is an instruction how to configure it.

Hi Pablito,

when i tries to publish my project i got the below message.

Project published successfully.
Name: BlankProject
Version: 1.0.1
Location: C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages

i am unable to find the machine key
can you help me in getting it.

Thanks in advance.

You need to navigate here:
And if have already made machine entry for your robot then you will have on the right side this button:
and there you will have machine key.
Otherwise you need to create new entry for your robot.

Buddy @RaviTejaKuna

Robot shows ofline because it didn’t get conneted to the machine where we want to execute our process. Its not because of the No runtime resoruce allocated issue.
Kindly find the below steps to connect your robot that you created in your orchestrator.

–First need to create a tenant, well you are done with that
–in local machine, start → robot, click uipath robot.exe and you will get a small popup window where open settings and copy the machine name. Then in orchestrator, go to machine tab and enter the machine name that you copied.
–Mention this machine when you create the robot and assign it an environment, by creating an environment in environment tab in robot tab itself.
–Now go to that machine tab again and copy the key of that machine, and this can be done clicking edit symbol at the right side.
–Once copied come back to our local machine, open that robot settings and paste the url as https://platform.uipath.com and key with copied machine key.
–Then click connect.
–Thats all, you are done. robot will get connected…!

Kindly revert if you have any queries or suggestion.


Hi Pablito,

yes i performed above steps and got the machine url.
when i try to connect, i ma getting below error.


what is that proxy authentication?
do i need to make any changes in my system.

Thanks in advance

Are you working on computer connected in the company system? If yes then probably your company is using network security to avoid from unnecessary/unwanted network traffic. Then you need to contact with your company administrator to let you configure proxy to pass this.

i am working on company system only.
now i came to know the process.
Thanks a lot for the info

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