Uipath Regex not taking data if it is 1 decimal point

Hi Everyone, I have this issue. The regex I run (?<=NOx (g/kWh):\s+)\d+.\d{2} is only returning data that has more than 2 decimal point (for exp =10.97029703) . If the data has 1 decimal point it will not extract (for exp = 10.4. Same goes for (?<=SFOC (g/kWh) (MDO):\s+)\d+.\d{2}

This is the regex in UiPath System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(CurrentConsumer.Item(“Parameters”).ToString,“(?<=NOx (g/kWh):\s+)\d+.\d{2}”).ToString

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(CurrentConsumer.Item(“Parameters”).ToString,“(?<=SFOC (g/kWh) (MDO):\s+)\d+.\d{2}”).ToString

This is extracted data table in excel
"Engine Type: Medium Speed Diesel (MSD, 300 < rpm ≤ 900)
Fuel Types: HFO, LFO, MDO/MGO
NOx (g/kWh): 10.97029703
MCR RPM: 720
SFOC (g/kWh) (MDO): 198.7866787
ISO Correction Exponent M: 0.7
ISO Correction Exponent N: 1.2
ISO: 1
Mechanical Efficiency: 0.85

For me I just need to extract the everything from SFOC (g/kWh) (MDO): 198.7866787 and NOx (g/kWh): 10.97029703, since the extraction is not stable for 2 decimal point. How do I do this ya?


use the below regex expression in Find Matching Pattern activity and then use the for each


or use the below syntax in assign activity and use the for each


Hope it helps!!

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Hi @Irfan_Musa

(?<=NOx \(g/kWh\):\s+)\d+(\.\d+)?

(?<=SFOC \(g/kWh\) \(MDO\):\s+)\d+(\.\d+)?



Use find matching pattern activity

Thank you very much, yes it works.


Your Welcome

Happy Automation!!

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