I developed a program in UiPath so he can gives me informations about person’s emails and phones for LinkedIN web site.
But the problem is LinkedIN detected that i’m using an automatisation program …
Any solution for my problem ? like hidding Uipath or anything else ?
Hai @hamza.soufiane,
Are you asking about Idea or need to rectify error in workflow.,
LinkedIn detected that i’m using Uipath for geting contact’s informations.
So i’m asking if there’s a solution so LinkedIN can’t detect that i’m using Uipath
Can u point out at which point the LinkedIn is detecting from your workflow.,
Ok i developed a program, so he can enter in each user in linkedin, get his email and phone, and navigato to the 2nd person and so on.
When i run the program, Uipath reach few contacts and a message appear in the navigator : LinkedIN detected that you are using an automation softwate.
I don’t want LinkedIN to detect that i’m using an automation softwate.
It’s possible ?
try to extract the data’s by other different way.,Without the workflow function i unable to search others ways.,