Hi UiPath Community! I am currently using the Community version of UiPath for learning purpose. I have enrolled in the advanced RPA developer training in order to get prepared for the certification.
My problem is that the Community version doesn’t include all the functionalities needed to complete the exercises of the training.
I would like to know what is the best option to have access to the full functionalities meanwhile I complete the training.
I have seen that I can sign up to a 2 month-trial of Pro version but it seems that later I will not be able to come back to the Community version.
Can you please give me some advices?
Thank you!
Welcome to the community
If you upgrade to the trail plan yes aometimes it doesnot automatically rever to community version…
At that time you can raise a ticket with UiPath team They can help you…but be sure only default tenant will be left out and any other tenants will be removed
Alternately you can as well create a account with different user and use it
Or we can completely remove the organization and recreate which also would help
Hope this helps
Thank you so much for your answer. I think that I will open a new account with a different user in order to try the 2 month-trial of Pro version.
I guess that the trial of Pro includes all the functionalities is that right?
I would also like to know if there is a webpage or a document with the detail of the functionalities included in community version / free plan / trial.
Best regards!
On Enterprise trail you will get all the feautures yes. You can find complete details that your are looking for on different licenses here
Hope this helps
Thank you! It helps a lot. I will go for the free trial!
One last doubt I have. Will I be able to use the RPA projects created in the Pro version when I go back to the Community or the free version?
As far as I have seen, most of the activities are not available in the Community version.
Best regards
You can use them…
Only difference is that the licenses that would be available are different…if you use any cv activities then the key used in them might be expired…similarly any keys that are part of only the pro version will be invalid
Hope this helps
Thank you for your answer. What I am still not understanding it that in the Community version I am not seeing most of the activities available in Studio. That’s why I don’t know how I will be able to use a workflow created in the pro version, with more activities.
I don’t know if I’m missing some configuration in the Community version in order to see all the activities.
Best regards
Hi @sylvainarzo ,
What activities are missing?
Can you specify few of them? or a screenshot, if possible…
Hello, I was assuming that the Community version only had some limited activities, but after reading your comment, I decided to try uninstall and install again UiPath Studio and now I am able to see all the activities. I don’t know why it was not working in the first place.
Anyway, now I can follow the exercices without any problem.
Thank you!