UiPath Orchestrator requires IIS URL Rewrite Module to be installed

When installing Orchestrator, one of the the following error is encountered:

UiPath Orchestrator requires IIS URL Rewrite Module to be installed

To install UiPath Orchestrator, you need to have IIS URL rewrite Module installed.

Issue Overview

When installing Orchestrator, one of the the following error is encountered:


UiPath Orchestrator requires IIS URL Rewrite Module to be installed


To install UiPath Orchestrator,  IIS URL rewrite Module installed.



Root Cause:

A windows component needed for Orchestrator is missing


Diagnosing the issue

The error message is enough to determine the root cause.



Make sure to install at the pre-requisites.

  1. Check out this link
  2.  From the screenshot above , IIS URL-Rewrite is missing. The same can be downloaded from here and installed. 
  3.   Run our powershell script for setting up roles:

a.       Download the scripts here

b.       Unzip the files.

c.       Go to the directory where they are contained in a powershell window.

d.       The scripts are not digitally signed running them directly might generate a PSSecurityException. If this is the case, use the following command to bypass the policy:  powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file .\InstallRolesAndFeatures.ps1

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