UiPath Orchestrator Installation - Why don't they make it easy?

Being a provider of such a great automation tool, why is the Orchestrator Installation not automated atleast to some extent. It is so frustrating for a new user to install it.

Can’t there be just one MSI or something that can install everything? Please give a thought.

But it is one msi. However for cluster installation and load balancer you need to use scripts.

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Some say you can install Orchestrator in 5 minutes using the msi…

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And its really working, we ve tested it :blush:

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Hi @Gabriel_Tatu @badita

So is it just required to install the orchestrator.msi directly.
I have read the Pre-Requisite and also I read the installation steps Installation.

My question is if I just download the orchestrator.msi and install it, will the above steps will be covered by the installer or should be done upfront manually?