UiPath Orchestrator API to get License Utilization

Hi All,

I want to build a custom application for the license utilization (Not allocation) of each tenants, can I get the UiPath Orchestrator API method to get the license utilization.

have a quick check on swagger for the below endpoints


I am looking for a API which will give the below graph data,

use f12 tools from Browser Webtools and refer to the network recordings, often we get some hints from this


I dont think robot usage is available directly

It is a combinnation of robots end point to get the robots and then jobs end point to fetch the runtime of the robots for eqch job and then do computation on top of it…you can try the same logic…on jobs you can use filter with robots and get individual robot runtime


@ppr & @Anil_G

I am trying to invoke the below API using C#, your insights on this will help me.



are you facing any issue? first try with postman

I hope yours is a cloud orchestrator as per the call mentioned



Yes for Postman need to know what is the payload to be passed.


Its a get call no body pyload is needed

Only headers for authorization and add the required filters in uri itself

Try on swagger first it will give you curl which can be directly used



Getting exception in Postman
The image shows a JSON response indicating an HTTP 403 error, stating "You are not authorized!" and detailing a lack of permission to perform the requested operation. (Captioned by AI)


  1. You need to create an external application
  2. then trigger the authetication url to get bearer token
  3. then using bearer trigger the api



Did the same,


what scope did you give in the external application?



These are the scopes defined

“OR.Assets.Read OR.Assets.Write OR.Folders OR.Queues”


if you check it needs different scope



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