Hello. UiPath is on the remote desktop and uses image recognition. When I launch the robot and turn off the remote desktop the robot stops working. What is the problem? It is obvious, but I do not understand
Hi Efim123,
What’s the error you get?
Check out this post, maybe will be helpful:
when I run the program and watch, the pictures are recognized.
But when I start and fun off the Remote Desktop window, the program does not recognize. Or when the system is logged off after an outage. I use image recognition with SAP, because we can not crack the script in the transaction. How to act in such cases?
@Efim123, I have to kick off my job using Launch Workflow Interactive activity with 1920x1080 32 color, to get things like SAP interaction working fully.
But, there are still differences in resolution even with that setting that I am noticing, cause I took a screenshot and the screen was smaller. Some of it I know is due to just that you need to scroll down since the window is smaller.
How does Workflow Interactive work and what is it used for?
To be honest, I don’t know the whole difference between Launch Interactive and Invoke, but seems like it creates a session closer to how it is when you are watching it.
Here is it from the guide:
Thank you. Tomorrow I will try to use this method and write the result
Did not help. The main problem is that when the screen is locked, OCR does not work. I did not find the answer to the question, but I learned about UiLauncher. What is it?
@Efim123 any resolution to your problem? Thanks you!
please check screen resolution . Remote desktop resolution maybe not equal which you trun off the remote desktop. Because uipath just run in a fixed screen resolution.