Here are the errors from my output panel.
I also tried uploading a colleague’s workflow once, it worked on his environment, but somehow it doesn’t work at all on my UiPath academy upload checker
Here are the errors from my output panel.
I also tried uploading a colleague’s workflow once, it worked on his environment, but somehow it doesn’t work at all on my UiPath academy upload checker
By the way, should I move this to the ‘issues’ forum? Seems like something really difficult to resolve
The issue stated here is related to a selector not working when its trying to get the sha1 code from the page.
I have tested your code and the selector looks fine as its able to get the text as well.
I recreated the getText activity, still encountering the same error
can you add a slight delay of 2000 in your click before the getText and try
Added the delay, still getting the same error
Are you using same browser for systrm1 and shaonline 1? If yes you can try to open SHAonline in a separate browser that might help you.
Else if you want to go with the same approach you can try to use Browser variable and pass that in attach browser Activity instead of a selector
I am opening System1 and SHA1online in separate browsers already
Thats great. Did you run gethashcode workflow separately? To see if its working
I ran the gethashcode separately and it didn’t work
I validated the selector to be working in the editor but during runtime it says it could not find the selector
Are you using this as a selector
<webctrl tag='SPAN' />
See if you can attach your workflow, only SHAOnline_GetHashCode.xaml.
Tried using that as selector, still encountering same problem
can you attach this particular workflow?
see file
SHA1Online_GetHashCode.xaml (9.2 KB)
I can see that
you have not written any variable in Output property of getText activity
This worked fine for me
SHA1Online_GetHashCode.xaml (8.6 KB)
Probably cause I recreated the Get Text activity as per earlier forum post…
I assigned the output variable already. Still getting the same error.
Actually i have seen this issue to happen sometimes when running the same code on other system.
Seems to work without any issues for most but fails for some for no reason.
Its working fine for me as well.
May be a bad workaround, but can you create the flow fresh?
Create a new seq and give it a try. It should run fine independently then only.
I redid the whole thing on a different machine. This time it works on my local machine, but when I upload it onto the Academy evaluator, it does not pass a single test case. Any solution? This is very frustrating (526.0 KB)
Any help?
Can you check if all the items are completed?
Verify once.