what is the error you get ?
See above
Click ‘Button’: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: <wnd app=‘iexplore.exe’ cls=‘#32770’ title=‘Message from webpage’ /><wnd ctrlid=‘2’ title=‘OK’ />
Invoke System1_Login workflow: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: <wnd app=‘iexplore.exe’ cls=‘#32770’ title=‘Message from webpage’ /><wnd ctrlid=‘2’ title=‘OK’ />
System error at initialization: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: <wnd app=‘iexplore.exe’ cls=‘#32770’ title=‘Message from webpage’ /><wnd ctrlid=‘2’ title=‘OK’ /> at Source: Invoke System1_Login workflow: Click ‘Button’
The Element Exists activity does not detect the element and flags as login unsuccessful even though the application logs in properly
is it login in to the system ? and after login in to the system it’s searching for the ok button ryt?
try to implement the login workflow that ive sent you,and look is it working(do changes as you want)
I implemented your workflow and I get error message Catch or Finally expected for TryCatch activity ‘Try Catch’
try to catch exception in the catch block
what do i put in the catch block?
just catch the exception
Now it is stuck in an endless loop of logging in, accessing work items, and then logging out
on Process.xaml: error
Click: The target Element was not specified for this activity. You should set its Target property or use this activity inside of a scope activity (Attach Browser, Open Browser, Open Application, Attach Window, Get Active Window, Element Scope activities).
on SetTransactionStatus.xaml: error
System exception. Max number of retries reached. The target Element was not specified for this activity. You should set its Target property or use this activity inside of a scope activity (Attach Browser, Open Browser, Open Application, Attach Window, Get Active Window, Element Scope activities). at Source: Click
See attached file - Dispatcher.zip (514.1 KB)
what do i do now?
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