Uipath Idea: Library package always use NEWEST version

Suggestion for library packages:
Please add the option to select “Always use latest package”

This way we can create template library items (for example login templates to a website) and add those to the project.
If a UI element changes for the login-page, we only need to update the library item for all other projects to use them.

This way we can easy maintain library items that change a lot without using the mass update tool to upgrade and upload all the projects again that use this library.

I know this topic has been discussed a few times. Lets get a LOT of votes on this one to get it into development :slight_smile:


Ps Mod: Feel free to change the tags if they are incorrect


Thank you for the suggestion. This is something that would indeed be useful, and we’ll consider it for the future.

Great idea!
We are really looking forward to this feature.

In the meantime, we have to develop a workaround for it ourselves, which unfortunately means a lot of avoidable effort.

While looking for a solution for this, i saw a few posts discussing about the suggestion to include auto update to latest package since 2019. And can i confirm that the solution is not yet ready in 2023? :frowning:

Is there any workaround for mass update?

Not yet, still waiting for this :slight_smile: @loginerror do you know if this is on the agenda?

The Studio team is aware of the request and will work towards bringing it to the product, but I can’t share any promises in terms of specific deadlines.

@maciej Any update on this. Im looking for some Studio or Automation Ops policy setting to enforce a specific version of library on all developers. Appreciate if you can help