How can I simulate in UiPath Forms, the image I attached, manage to use dynamic dropdown lists (External data), but not multiple options in the form of dropdown list, let alone use all together:
-A drop-down list to choose the user profile from a list of profiles.
-A dropdown list to choose multiple options from a list of companies
-A button that allows me to open again the two previous options and thus select different profiles with different companies.
You can read the drop-down values as a collection from an external source and pass it as argument to form data with variable name as form element’s field key appended by _dropdown !
Certainly an interesting article, but regarding a drop-down list where one option is selected from external data, yes, I have knowledge.
I was referring to a drop-down list (Other means) that allows me to choose more than one option.
-And also a button that allows me to return to the previous options but with empty fields, as to enter new data.
-Also for that reason my doubt, if it could only be done with HTML.