Leaving out automatic test cases from orchestrator (Think in a team that only uses manual testing)
How UiPath works for teams that only launch manual tests?
How can we create a Dashboard to collect only manual test executions?
it’s not possible to perform filter of executions. e.g. No way to extract only failed executions.
improved filtering capabilities are in work. We will have several improvements for search & filter later this year.
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Thanks for your answer,
Can you share in which version they will be included or is it something internal?
@IgnacioGlezM ,
Maybe the Task capture functionality can be used to capture the manual tasks and to move that to manual testcase. It can reduce the time consumption.
Also proper documentation can be created using Task Capture which will give more clarity on the process.
Also you can attach the requirement or any artifacts if needed.
Along with that you can connect with the ALM tools to raise the defects and everything will get tracked in the TestManager. So the summary from the Dashboard will help to understand the progress of Testing and the modules which need more attention.
Thanks for your answers… but related to taskCapture I’ve more suggestions about manual testing:
• Inside a manual test execution, I think is a good idea to enable the modification of the fields expected result or descriptions (in each steps).
• Screenshots taken with taskCapture could be imported into the manual test case as attachment.
When a user execute the test case, he would have a visual reference to the step he is executing. (better if the images are linked to the step itself)
Manual testing + Integration with AzureDexOps:
• Manual runs launched from TestManager are not reflected in the linked AzDo test case.
Manual testing + Without Integration with AzureDevOps:
• It is not possible to create defects.
• Assign these defects to other UiPath users.
I hope this gaps/suggestiond will be well accepted.
Thanks again!
no, sorry. This is not possible.
Gernot Brandl