I have to read a range of two columns, compare them and then do something with them on a third column. That part is covered, however, my range goes from cell A2 to A10 (A1 is part of the range but it’s the column header) but it skips rows 6 and 10 and reads two times row 2.
I have assigned the range as a variable through the activity read range including cells A1:A10. When I run it, it skipps rows 6 and 10 and in a third column where the comparison should be done, ends up empty. For the rest of rows is working ok.
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As you are trying to include the third column as well to compare we must include the range of column c as well right
Kindly correct me if I’m wrong with the question. So, range should be A1:C10
Or i would suggest better mention simply as “” in the range buddy unless you arr not reading any range in specific…
No, the third column is not the problem. The problem is that in column A it is skipping every time rows 6 and 10 and re-reading row 2 (I know this because i’m sending a log message to check which row is reading). When it ends I have all the comparisons in column C but rows 6 and 10 are empty…