UiPath Extension Firefox not working on Firefox Version 135.0

Today, after upgrading my Firefox browser to Version 135.0, UiPath Extension Firefox was no longer able to communicate properly.
Please refer to the post below for details.
UiPath Extension Firefox - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum
Downgrading my Firefox browser allowed it to communicate properly.
Could you please investigate whether UiPath Extension Firefox can communicate properly with Version 135.0?

Firefox 135.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

I’ve attached the debug logs for extensions in Firefox V134 and V135 for UiPath dev reference. I hope it helps you with UiPath dev analysis.

FirefoxV135-UiPathWebAutomation23.4-console-export-2025-2-6_13-17-47.txt (2.3 KB)
FirefoxV134-UiPathWebAutomation23.4-console-export-2025-2-6_13-4-54.txt (1.8 KB)

Best Regards.


Hey @patent-atanaka as per the Document from UiPath only version which are 65.0 and downgrade 52.0 are supported



The same thing happened today in my environment.
It was working until last week, so I definitely think it’s today’s update.

having exact same issue, everything is updated to most current versions. https://forum.uipath.com/t/please-select-the-solution-post-if-the-topic-is-resolved-help-filtering-on-saving-email-attachments/739018

Same Issue and it’s impossible for me to downgrade because GPO forces AutoUpdate
Need to fix-it quickly

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what is the additional extension? that only details the regular UI path extension

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are you referring for the firefox extension ?

yes- it says we need an additional extension on the documention, but it doesn’t say what that additional extension is? I have the most up to date extension installed; V23.4.1

actually the query is for firefox extension and as you know if you are interacting with browser you have to enable or install the extension first. so for the firefox as well we have to install the extension first.

as my system does not have extension thats why it not give the install access.

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I deleted the full UiPath, all the folders, reinstalled, but no change.
Many times I deleted the firefox plugin, reinstalled it, but no good. I use this 8 years arround.
I think the error is in from UiPath.


I have that installed already as well and it still does not work unfortunately.

I am also have the same problem as the original poster, this is causing chaos at my organization because all our processes use firefox.
Per your screenshot version 135 is greater than 52 so it should be supported, and it is newer than 65 so it should not require and extra add on.
What were you trying to show with this?

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I created the following in Firefox folder and then re-install the previous version (132) Firefox.

It solve the issue temporary.

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@loginerror @loredana_ifrim

Something to look for…please help



I also get this issue. please help us UiPath team.

The UipathPath Studo cannot communicate the Firefox.

I am using extended support release now. and it work with UiPath extension.

you can download here Get Firefox for your enterprise with ESR and Rapid Release


@loginerror @loredana_ifrim

can you please help them out.


@Baker9 looks like they issue is from the UiPath because i have seen many post related to same case that you are facing so i think UiPath will already work on that and fixed it soon.


Hey @dylan.kelly
looks like they issue is from the UiPath because i have seen many post related to same case that you are facing so i think UiPath will already work on that and fixed it soon.


@Luiza_Surdu-Bob can you please be so kind as to assist here? thank you