UiPath does not handle atomic nodes (XML)

Hello everyone,

I am new in the RPA field and for my robot, I need to deserialize a XML file. But I have an error when doing it because UiPath does not handle atomic nodes. I know this because when I use different XML validation websites, the format of my XML is valid.

Here is an exemple of what I am saying:

When I have an empty field, instead of having


I have

<Email i:nil ="true" />

Have you ever had this issue and how did you fix it ?

Thanks in advance for your help


I suppose this is namespace matter.
Do you declare namespace ā€œiā€ in advance?

If not, the following can be deserialized without error, for example.
<Email xmlns:i ="http://www.example.org" i:nil ="true" />

Because ā€œ:ā€ is special character in XML attribute


Thanks a lot for your answer. Sorry if my question is stupid but how do you declare this namespace ? Is there a name for it ?

Thanks again



In general, someone who create the xml file should write namespace definition such as xmlns:i ="http://www.example.org"before using the namespace.


Actually, this namespace is declared at the beginning of the XML file, like this:


But when I use the activity DeserializeXml from UiPath.Web.Activities, I have this kind of error:

Deserialize XML: The ā€˜Emailā€™ start tag on line 79 position 688 does not match the end tag of ā€˜ProofOfAddressPrintDtoā€™. Line 83, position 178.

Thatā€™s why I think there is an issue related to this atomic nodeā€¦

You have to use localName attribute here @melanie

Please have a view at this thread

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@melanie - atomic nodes are able to be handled fine. I agree it is the namespace issue. Use an assign activity and assign ns1 = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" - the variable type should be system.xml.linq.xnamespace

Now whenever youā€™re referencing a node or element, you have to include the namespace. So instead of XDocument.Root.Element("Email") you should put XDocument.Root.Element(ns1 + "Email").

You have to do this every time you are referencing elements/nodes by their XName (itā€™s a pain, i know)


Thank you gor sharing your exception message.

I tried some cases.
If input string is the following xml, I got the following exception like yours.

XML(Lack Email element end tag)
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<main xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Email i:nil ="true" >

Deserialize XML: The ā€˜Emailā€™ start tag on line 4 position 2 does not match the end tag of ā€˜ProofOfAddressPrintDtoā€™. Line 5, position 3.

If input string is the following xml, there is no exception

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<main xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Email i:nil ="true" />

Can you try the above cases to check if you can get smae result. (There might be environment matter)
Can you check around first case in details.


Yes. In fact, I was cleaning the XML to remove everything between the name of the field (for example here ā€œExampleā€) and the ā€œ>ā€ to be able to access to elements. But when doing it, I made the XML invalid for deserialization. I understand the issue and thanks to all of you for your help. I will try to deserialize the XML in output without cleaning and then access the elements using the correct namespaces and names.

Thanks again,


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