UiPath Community 2024.4 Release

Make sure you are on a cross-platform project, these activities are only available on this type of project. If you have UI Automation package on the latest version, you should be able to see these new activities.

Excited with the introduction of new features. can’t wait to test them all.

Liking the new flowcharts, but for existing projects we have upgraded to 24.1, we had a lot of flowcharts that were part of a sequence component, just like the one in the process layer in the REFramework. You used to be able to resize these to accommodate, but now there are scroll bars instead. Is the ability to resize them accordingly going to be re-added? Otherwise we are stuck on 23.7 without recreating a whole load of components to only be flowcharts.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Studio view annotations / Generate text block breaks with long text