UiPath CLI For Analyzing A Project

How to Analyze the Project using UiPathCLI.exe?

  1. Follow the steps from (1-6) as described in the documentation Downloading the CLI
  2. Open CMD (Command Prompt)
  3. From the CMD, Navigate to the extracted downloaded folder of the "Uipcli.exe"
  4. Consider it is ("C:\Users\r*****li\Downloads\UiPath.CLI.Windows.23.6.8581.19168\tools\")
  1. When tried to run the "uipcli.exe", it throws an error saying "No verb Selected" as shown below

Resolution: Based on the above screenshot, consider the below
  1. Try, "uipcli.exe version" to understand if UiPath CLI version.
  1. Next, when tried to use "uipcli.exe package " it throws an error. (NOTE: Behavior would be same when tried to run "uipcli package "
  1. In order to Analyze the project, use "uipcli package analyze <"Location Path of the project.json">"

The results would show-up if any errors are detected.

Note: "RuleConfig.json" will be updated with the new values.

  • From the RuleConfig.json file, path %LocalAppData%\UiPath\Rules. Find a specific rule, modify its parameter, change the IsEnabled parameter to false to disable the rule.
