UiPath Certification Exam Grading Time

I took my practical exam yesterday to become certified and I still haven’t received a grade on my bot yet. I found and FAQ section that said that it takes about 1 hour to grade the practical, but I’ve been waiting for almost 12 hours and still haven’t received a grade.

Has anyone else had this issue? I’m frustrated because the ‘free’ certification period ends in two days and I have no idea if my bot will get graded in time to give myself another opportunity to take the exam if I fail.

Please do a search before

And also, the certification will be free until 31 December 2019.


Hi @Bano25

Firstly the certification has been extended until 31st Dec 2019, so don’t panic about the attempt.

Also, the evaluation system sometimes takes time to give the result but be rest assured, it will reach to you soon.

All the best!
