UiPath Azure Devops Integration


we have recently moved to the Automation Cloud, and I noticed that my deployments from DevOps, no longer automatically upgrade the package to the newest version. Is this some missing authorization or configuration?

Hi @SSavickas,

We have had the same issue. The auto upgrade to newest package version of the process fails after the recent update to the Azure DevOps UiPath Deploy. After contacting customer support the suggestion was to upgrade the Orchestrator to the newest version.

CI works great but CD for some reason fails for Orchestrator version 20.04.3 but works well in 19.10.18. Yes, we were surprised too that an older Orchestrator does not get affected by this bug.

We did get good support from UiPath shout out to @lucian but sadly the only solution to our issue is to upgrade Orchestrator version.

Thank you, the strange thing is that we are on the latest version, as we are on UiPath cloud

Same here.
My pipelines runs fine on my local Windows 10 PC

I then added a 2nd Build Agent (Windows 2019 Server) it fails:
##[error]No agent found in pool uipath which satisfies the specified demands: npm, Agent.Version -gtVersion 2.163.1

I boiled it down to a simple Yaml (below) = Build OK
Then, when adding the uiPath CLI installation, I get the error.

I’ve tried running the Build Agent as my self (Admin) as a Service “NT Authority\System”. Same issue

#===OK yaml====
- master

pool: uipath

- script: echo Hello, world!
  displayName: 'Run a one-line script'

- script: |
    echo Add other tasks to build, test, and deploy your project.
    echo See https://aka.ms/yaml
  displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'
#=== this fails ====
- master

pool: uipath

- script: echo Hello, world!
  displayName: 'Run a one-line script'

- script: |
    echo Add other tasks to build, test, and deploy your project.
    echo See https://aka.ms/yaml
  displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'

- task: UiPathInstallPlatform-preview@2
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I am trying to setup anyhow to input dinamically a value to Environment field.

The value as of now is fixed.

Do you have an idea how to do it ?

Basically, I am trying to pass this value from the Pipeline to the Release, but Azure does not pass variable values set directly in the the Pipeline to the Release.

Pipeline variable declaration

  • group: Project_Automations

  • name: Orchestrator_Environment

    value: ’ My Environment Value’’

Release YAML

  • task: uipath.vsts-uipath-package.uipath-deploy.UiPathDeploy@2
    displayName: ‘UiPath Deploy’
    orchestratorConnection: ‘DEV_Orchestrator’
    packagesPath: ‘$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_CICD/CICD/Output/’
    folderName: Default
    environments: ‘My Environment Value’
    entryPoints: ‘$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_CICD/CICD/Output/’
    traceLevel: Information

This Descriptive video will help you out

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Hi, how can i extract with a variable $(XXXXX) the package version? I want to include it as a tag.

I have tried and documented the steps to build the CI CD Pipeline for UiPath using the Azure DevOps as a blogpost.

Topics covered in this article -

:ballot_box_with_check: What is CI/CD in the context of RPA (Focus on UiPath)
:ballot_box_with_check: Key Concepts in Azure Pipelines
:ballot_box_with_check: Build the first pipeline to package UiPath project
:ballot_box_with_check: Different ways of UiPath CI/CD pipeline creation using Azure Extension or Pure Powershell
:ballot_box_with_check: Required configuration/ Configure the self-hosted agent
:ballot_box_with_check: Deployment to multiple environment
:ballot_box_with_check: Running Test Cases
:ballot_box_with_check: Complete working example.

You can read deatils here - Azure CI CD Pipelines for UiPath


What solved your issue? I have tried to authenticate with external application & basic to cloud orchestrator several times and i cant seem to get it to work.

I meet this problem, happened at Test Stage, Log as below

Starting: UiPathTest

Task : UiPath Test
Description : Runs an existing test set on Orchestrator, or packages, deploys and executes test cases as a transient test set in one go, by specifying the path to a UiPath test project.
Version : 2.9.2547798
Author : UiPath
Help :

Found tool in cache: uipcli 1.0.8136-25036 x64
##[warning]Can't find loc string for key: AccountNameForApp
C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\uipcli\1.0.8136-25036\x64\uipcli.exe run D:\a_tasks\UiPathTest_edd520aa-3aec-408b-9649-642f8b920003\2.9.2547798\RunTestsOptions.json
Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator: https://cloud.uipath.com/***, Account Name For App: ***, Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: , Organization Unit: Modern.
Please make sure that the provided URL (https://cloud.uipath.com/
) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall.
If the Orchestrator is using a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure that the build agent trusts it. Ensure that all the steps at Self-signed certificates were correctly followed when creating the certificate.
Stack trace:



from my experience, ‘Conflict’ means that the package you’re trying to publish already exits in Orchestrator. You need to publish a newer package and deploy.

I’m testing UiPath with Azure Devops Integration, but I’m a bit confuse with errors with task UiPathPack@3

All looks fine but there are several errors loading .json nuget package, .net compatibility errors (using windows-laste image)

Does someone use this task version and can help me please ?

The only recent documentation I found is “how-to-implement-cicd-pipeline-using-azure-devops-pipelines”

Hello Gregory,

the log entries you have shown are Warnings we recieve from the compiler while packaging the project. In the plugin we decided to show every log output from packager for tracing purposes but we marked them as Warnings to not interfere with the pipeline itself.
You can savely ignore them in case packaging works fine.

Does any one know how to get the same logs of Orchestartor jobs on Azure devops pipeline.

When we are trying to run the UiPath jobs from Azure devops pipeline, it does only jobs failed or passed, no other logs,


Thank you for answer,

Next maybe you can help, we cannot connect to Orchestrator using UIPathTest@3 brick and service connection.
We try many ways but always unsuccessful.

Maybe you can find something wrong ?

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Hi Gregory,

the error message states that the folder could not be found:

Are you sure you have defined the right folder here?

Thank you,
You’re right, I changed to ‘Shared’, but I just get to another trouble :frowning:

1 Like

I’ve spent many hours attempting to get this integration working, but I am unable to get connected to Orchestrator using UiPathDeploy@3.

My service connection:

2023-07-07T21:34:49.4041069Z ##[section]Starting: UiPathDeploy
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4175702Z ==============================================================================
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4175890Z Task : UiPath Deploy
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4175966Z Description : Deploys a UiPath NuGet package onto UiPath Orchestrator.
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4176076Z Version : 3.0.3517186
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4176172Z Author : UiPath
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4176240Z Help :
2023-07-07T21:34:49.4176299Z ==============================================================================
2023-07-07T21:34:50.1829753Z cli selected WIN_22.10.8418.30339
2023-07-07T21:34:50.1832967Z Found tool in cache: uipcli 22.10.8418-30339 x64
2023-07-07T21:34:50.1839758Z Uipcli args contents: {“type”:“DeployOptions”,“options”:{“packagesPath”:“D:\a\1\a\Output”,“orchestratorUrl”:“https://cloud.uipath.com/****/***/orchestrator_“,“orchestratorTenant”:”“,“organizationUnit”:”***“,“environments”:null,“username”:”“,“password”:”“,“accountName”:”“,“refreshToken”:”“,“accountForApp”:”“,“applicationId”:”***“,“applicationSecret”:***,“applicationScope”:”***“,“language”:“en-US”,“traceLevel”:“Verbose”,“entryPointPaths”:[“Main.xaml”],“telemetryOrigin”:“Azure”,“createProcess”:true,“authorizationUrl”:”***”}}
2023-07-07T21:34:50.1842055Z cli selected WIN_22.10.8418.30339
2023-07-07T21:34:50.1909820Z [command]“C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe” C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\uipcli\22.10.8418-30339\x64\uipcli.dll run D:\a_tasks\UiPathDeploy_72167370-9f1d-47d5-be00-6f2554c20001\3.0.3517186\DeployOptions.json
2023-07-07T21:34:51.1932059Z Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator: UiPath Orchestrator, Account Name For App: , Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: , Organization Unit: Supply Chain.
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2320675Z Please make sure that the provided URL (UiPath Orchestrator) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall.
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2321891Z If the Orchestrator is using a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure that the build agent trusts it. Ensure that all the steps at https://docs.uipath.com/orchestrator/docs/self-signed-certificates were correctly followed when creating the certificate.
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2360404Z Stack trace:
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2360776Z at UiPath.CommandLine.Clients.OrchestratorClientFactory.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<g__HandleBuild|8>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\UiPath.Extensions.CommandLine.Core\Clients\OrchestratorClientFactory.cs:line 128
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2361421Z — End of stack trace from previous location —
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2361778Z at UiPath.CommandLine.Clients.OrchestratorClientFactory.BuildClient(BaseAuthenticatedOptions options, Boolean setOrganizationUnit) in D:\a\1\s\UiPath.Extensions.CommandLine.Core\Clients\OrchestratorClientFactory.cs:line 134
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2362247Z at UiPath.CommandLine.Services.Impl.DeployService.Run(DeployOptions options) in D:\a\1\s\UiPath.Extensions.CommandLine.Core\Services\Impl\DeployService.cs:line 35
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2362674Z at UiPath.CommandLine.Services.Impl.OptionsParser.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\UiPath.Extensions.CommandLine.Core\Services\Impl\OptionsParser.cs:line 122
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2363063Z — End of stack trace from previous location —
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2363368Z at UiPath.CommandLine.Services.Impl.OptionsParser.RunOptions(String args, Func3 notParsedFunc) in D:\a\1\s\UiPath.Extensions.CommandLine.Core\Services\Impl\OptionsParser.cs:line 98 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2363864Z Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0. 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2364112Z at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue() 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2364335Z at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.ReadFrom(JsonReader reader, JsonLoadSettings settings) 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2365795Z at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.Parse(String json, JsonLoadSettings settings) 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2366012Z at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.Parse(String json) 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2366248Z at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.AuthenticatedClient.ApplicationAccessToken(AuthToken authToken) 2023-07-07T21:34:51.2366517Z at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.AuthenticatedClient.MakeApi[T](AuthToken authToken, Func3 ctor, TimeSpan timeout)
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2366826Z at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.OrchestratorClientFactory.SetOrchestratorServerVersion(AuthToken authToken, Int32 requestTimeout)
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2367346Z at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.OrchestratorClientFactory.BuildAsyncViaExternalApp(String url, String tenantName, String accountName, String applicationId, String applicationSecret, String applicationScope, String organizationUnit, CloudDeployments cloudDeployment, IDictionary`2 customHeaders, Int32 requestTimeout, String authorizationUrl, Boolean setOrganizationUnit, TextWriter outWriter)
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2368089Z at UiPath.CommandLine.Clients.OrchestratorClientFactory.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<g__HandleBuild|8>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\UiPath.Extensions.CommandLine.Core\Clients\OrchestratorClientFactory.cs:line 123
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2399321Z ##[error]Error deploying package: Error: The process ‘C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe’ failed with exit code 1.
2023-07-07T21:34:51.2414766Z ##[section]Finishing: UiPathDeploy

Any advice?

It is weird that somehow I am not able to get SAVE button enabled while creating service connection in Azure DevOps. Below are the details of the Service Connection.

Please let me know if I am missing anything or a way to get this SAVE button enabled.


I am facing an issue with the UiPathPack task in Azure DevOps. Here are the specifics:

  1. Error Message:

    Unhandled: read ECONNRESET
  2. Context:

    • I have set up a pipeline in Azure DevOps to package a UiPath project.
    • During the UiPathPack task, I encounter the above error.
  3. Environment Details:

    • Azure DevOps Agent Version: 2.210.1 (On-premise)
  4. Additional Details:

    • I have provided the path for the project as $(Build.SourcesDirectory).
    • The selected CLI version is WIN_21.10.8319.10920.
  5. Screenshots:

Has anyone encountered this error before or have any suggestions to resolve it?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Tags: Azure DevOps, ECONNRESET, UiPathPack

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