UiPath Azure Devops Integration

Hi Jose,
not sure what the issue is here. Could you pls get in touch via mail so that we can setup a quick zoom to investigate? (thomas.stocker[at]uipath.com)

Hey Thomas,

The issue was already fixed.


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we recently updated to 20.10 and the deploy package does not seem to work as before, and I have a feeling that’s because the new role setup in Orchestrator?
Before, we had a special DevOps service account, that can no longer deploy code to the Orchestrator - it gets an “unauthorized error”. Admin account works well in the meantime, but is not an ideal option.

How exactly should we set up the DevOps role and account, for modern and classic folders?

Will the funtionality of managing queues (Add queue to new orchestrator environment) be added ? How is the pipeline even automated if the queue isnt created on the new environment?

I see support for deploying libraries was added, can you tell me how its used? In the deploy step, what do we need to put for the folder or environment sections? or do we need a different service connection?

Does the Azure DevOps integration require Studio Pro licensing or it can be used with Studio?

Hi @ThomasStocker ,
Can you confirm that with 21.10 the available (Basic/Token) authentication methods for the Orchestrator Automation Cloud integration will be deprecated? Are you working on an oauth authentication alternative?

Kind regards,

Were you able to resolve this.? I am facing the same issue.

Yes I finally manage to resolve this issue but long ago I worked on it :thinking:

I know its been some time… but do you remember how you fixed it , I am getting the exact same issue ?
No agent found in pool UiPathPool (My pool name ) which satisfies the specified demands: npm, Agent.Version -gtVersion 2.144.0
@ThomasStocker is this something you can help with ?

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Hi @ThomasStocker,

This integration is great and saves us a lot of time.

We observed that when we deploy to orchestrator via the Azure Devops we cannot forward the Commit Message provided by the developer while commiting the latest code as a Change Log text in the deployed package.

It would be a good feature if one can also send the “Commit message” from TFS or GIT as “Change Log” using the UiPath Deploy which is currently missing. UiPath Integration - Visual Studio Marketplace


Is there a way to achieve this already?

Hi There

i have automated the complete CICD pipeline in ADO
so, whenever any changes happened on git pipeline will be triggered CI pipeline has no issues while build/compile the package " .nupkg"
but on the release pipeline i cannot able to automate it as every time i need to go to my release pipeline then changes change to new file “new.nupka”

i think i need to add parameter type here at file level.

can you please help me in this

what should i have to add it here?

if you dont underatand my question please email me at (abduls@novatiousa.com)

or give me a call at +15109538852

your help is really appreciated.

we are trying to fix this issue from last 5 days but no luck.


Add Node.js tool installer from Tasks window in your Azure DevOps pipeline.

Be sure to add this task in the stages before you add Build or Deploy tasks.

Thank you :slight_smile:

We are trying to configure a Pipeline for our UiPath proyects, to publish proyects in our orchestrator, but we have a problem.
After download and install “UiPath Integration” plug in Azure DevOps, the pipeline is pointing to “ConexionUiPath” that was configured as follow:

In “UiPath Pack” and “UiPath Deploy” tasks the configurations is as follow:
UiPath Pack:


UiPath Deploy

The problem is when we execute the pipeline. All tasks are executed OK, but we have a warning in the UiPath Pack task:


That warning prevents that the project has published in our orchestrator. We are sure that the credentials for the orchestrator are ok, because we are trying with 2 different “UiPath cloud” accounts, and the error was te same.
Which would be the problem? How we can configure correctly the pipeline?

We are using Azure devops on premise Version Dev17.M153.5. Also, we use Active Directory in our network where is installed Azure Devops

maybe you need the UiPath Install Plattform task before the UiPath Pack task:

We are facing the same issue as reported by Cristian Nicolae Zachiteanu on the 3rd Feb that the packages can be deployed to the tenant only and not to the folder package location. Is it still necessary for us to write a powershell script to over come this or will it be part of an upcoming release?

We follow the step mentioned by Patrick Schwarz, but the problem persist. Also we try another configuration: our Service Connection for UiPath was configured with token authentication as follow:

Also we try with basic configuration as the first image on our previus post.
If we see the execution details, we got this:

The log of the Uipath Deply task:

##[section]Starting: UiPath Deploy

Task : UiPath Deploy
Description : Deploys a UiPath NuGet package onto UiPath Orchestrator.
Version : 2.3.1504174
Author : UiPath
Help :

Found tool in cache: uipcli 1.0.7751-16250 x64
(node:14224) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
[command]C:\AgenteAB_work_tool\uipcli\1.0.7751-16250\x64\uipcli.exe run C:\AgenteAB_work_tasks\UiPathDeploy_72167370-9f1d-47d5-be00-6f2554c20001\2.3.1504174\DeployOptions.json
Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Orchestrator: UiPath*** , Tenant: ***, Username: ***, Password: , OrganizationUnit: UiPath, UseWindowsCredentials: False.
Please make sure that the provided URL (UiPath
) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall.
If the Orchestrator is using a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure that the build agent trusts it. Ensure that all the steps at Self-signed certificates were correctly followed when creating the certificate.
Stack trace:
at UiPath.CommandLine.Clients.OrchestratorClientFactory.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<g__HandleBuild|6>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.CommandLine.Clients.OrchestratorClientFactory.d__4.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.CommandLine.Services.Impl.DeployService.d__3.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at UiPath.CommandLine.Services.Impl.OptionsParser.d__6.MoveNext()
Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code ‘BadRequest’
at UiPath.Web.Client18_4.Account.d__5.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.OrchestratorClientFactory.d__5.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at UiPath.CommandLine.Clients.OrchestratorClientFactory.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<g__HandleBuild|6>d.MoveNext()
##[error]Error deploying package: Error: The process ‘C:\AgenteAB_work_tool\uipcli\1.0.7751-16250\x64\uipcli.exe’ failed with exit code 1.
##[section]Finishing: UiPath Deploy

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Hi @Ruca_Spa and others,

You are very close. This error has very little to do with authentication, you can choose any of the authentication methods you have tried.

I have faced this error last Friday, so thankfully remember what was the issue.

The reason you are getting this error is because the packed nupkg file already exists in the same version in Orchestrator. This error occurs for example when you try to upload a version which already exists in Orchestrator.

You can confirm this by checking the latest build version of your project in the agent pool and your process package version published in orchestrator previously. You will see there is a clash.

The core issue here is the UiPath Pack does not increment the version number of your project in the project.json file nor does it parse the project version from the project.json file. So it does not know which version number it has to pack.

So when the package is built in the CI pipeline, the CD pipeline in Azure Devops (UiPath Deploy) stage fails with the error mentioned by you.
This is one of the features which is currently missing in UiPath Pack

Very Important : Before using the solution below note the current version of your project in your orchestrator. Otherwise this solution will not work.

Make a variable and specify a build number. You can make custom build numbers in your CI build pipeline in AzureDevops.

Go to your CI pipeline and navigate to variables
Make a new variable with the following value (see how to choose counter variable value below in this post)

Go back to task → UiPath Pack

Update the project version to a custom versioning type. We use 1.0.$(ProjectBuildNumber) as our default and have only used Azure Devops for all deployments so the project version has not been an issue on newer projects.

Value of the counter should be one higher than your previously published project in the Orchestrator.

Example variable value
When Orchestrator project version is 1.0.3 :
Counter needs to be $[counter(‘’, 4)]. Basically, this tells UiPath Pack since you don’t read the project.json or update the version number use this variable instead as the version number!

The advantage of using this approach is that the newest package is automatically chosen in the Orchestrator. Works like magic. Saves us 5 minutes per deployment per environment. No more VDI hopping just to publish from Studio!

Another reason for this can also be with the “UniqueId” clash if you have used the same “UniqueId” from other project in project.json it means that the Deploy will fail with the message you got above.

I really hope this helps you and others.


Hi @Michelle_Dunne and @CristianZachiteanu,

You are also very close. As @ThomasStocker mentioned you can use the Orchestrator folder option.

For Modern folders you have to specifically target the final folder location.
For example: If you have a nested folder structure like Folder1/FolderA/FolderAB
The syntax in the screenshot will work and you can edit it accordigly

For classic folders:
You can just name the Folder you are targeting in addition you have to specify the environment used in Orchestrator

Hope this helps a bit.