UiPath Attended automation - can't display the data extracted in the datatable window


Was hoping someone could help, i’m struggling to display a datatable in the uiForm (see below). The process is very simple, you enter a start and end date, and entity number and the robot is supposed to do a database lookup and display the resulting query in the data table box below. However, its not populating the datatable at all. It is displaying the amount of rows at the bottom of the datatable window, but now rows.

Any ideas? Cant find much on the internet about it.



May I know how are you trying to pass the details

and where do you see the row count/?


See below in the bottom right hand corner:

This is the form where I add the property name reactExtact: (I can confirm that there is data in the table im passing to the field Key)

Then I pass my data table to this field Key:

Did you add the necessary columns into the datatable form component? Please note column names are case sensitive. For example, if your query result has 5 columns, then add 5 text fields inside the form datatable component, matching the column names exactly.

No, Where can I add this column names?

Treat the datatable form component as a structured data container, into which you can add other form components such as a text field to define a column.

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