Uipath Assistant show blank (White) screen on VM after update to newest version


I’ve seen similar posts about this issue, they are all closed as it should have been fixed. However, the newest enterprise version appears to have the same bug.

I updated to:

UiPath Assistant 2024.10.6

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.19045

And both of our VM’s has the issue.

I can restart the machine, I can kill the Assistant from joblist, and both work for a short while, then the assistant turns white again.

Any ideas to a permanent solution?


Can you please attach the diagnostic tools?
Here is how to generate it Studio - About The Diagnostic Tool

Hi Cosmin

Which of the files do you need?

Hi @Michaeljep,

The .log files that are found in the .zip generated

Hi Cosmin

You want them on email?

Hi @Michaeljep ,
Sure, I sent you a private message with the email address.

Use Process Monitor and see who (which external monitoring tool) is touching the UiPath.Assistant.exe process.
After finding them, try to disable them one by one temporary.
Close any UiPath Assistant and UiPath User Service processes and retry to replicate the behavior.
After finding the tool that is creating you the issue, work internally to fix the issue from that tool (either disable it, create exclusion rules or uninstall it).

Hi Casper

I tried several things. But the only thing that actually worked was an uninstall and a new installation afterwards.

Venlig hilsen/Best Regards
Michael Jeppesen

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