UiPath Apps | Calculating SUM of a column in UiPath Apps Table


I have a table in my UiPath Apps, and there’s a column called “Amount”.
I need to get the sum of this amount column only by using UiPath apps.
Thanks in advance for your inputs.




-In the properties panel on the right, click on the “Aggregations” option.
-Click the “Add Aggregation” button.
-In the “Column” field, select the “Amount” column.
-In the “Aggregation Function” field, select “Sum” to calculate the sum of the “Amount” column.
-In the “Alias” field, you can provide a name for the result (e.g., “TotalAmount”).
-Click the “Apply” button to save the aggregation.
-Now, you have the sum of the “Amount” column in a new column with the specified alias (“TotalAmount”).
-You can display this total in your app by adding a Label or Text component and binding it to the “TotalAmount” column.


Hi, @Dilli_Reddy ,

Could you please provide some screenshots if possible, couldn’t find “Aggregations” in UiPath Apps.

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